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Welcome to Otcollect, dev collections


Otcollect is a collection of tutorials on development web, mobile, desktop applications and any other topics of interest.

Most of the tutorials here are opinionated. They're based on personal experiences.

Disclaimer: This is not a topic specific portal, you may come across different topics on this app that are not even programming related.
Secondly, we rely on users for content, so if you come accross any content that violates our privacy and terms of service or even just content that from common sense reasoning is not suppose to be here, Please use our contact form for report such content. Thank you.

Most of the tutorials shared here are practically based in the form of HOW-TO-DO. The steps to complete a given task. While we try to share the best of our experiences on different subjects, we are in noway claiming we have superior knowledge of what you read or find here as related to a particular subject matter. After all everything is an opinion.

We acknowledge there may be people with more functional knowledge of a given topic, if you are one of those experts, we happilly welcome your expertise. We are also learning.

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Please use our contact form at Contact Us.